King of the Circus
Live music by Philip Carli
Movies’ first international star and France’s nimblest slapstick artist Max Linder trades his top hat for a circus whip in the last film he completed before his death in 1925. Will tangling with a real-live lion get him the girl?
Restoration by Lobster Films with the support of the CNC and eleven archives throughout the world.
Supported by French Cultural Services, Villa Albertine San Francisco
Entry for children under twelve is free.
Live Music by Philip Carli

Philip Carli brings both prodigious musical talent and a committed scholarly outlook to his lifelong passion for the music and culture of the turn of the last century. He discovered silent film at the age of five and began his accompaniment career at thirteen, with a performance for Lon Chaney’s 1923 version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. While at college he programmed and accompanied an annual series of silent films, and also organized and conducted a 50-piece student orchestra using 19th-century performance practice. Since then, he has continued his studies of the film, music and culture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, earning a doctorate from the Eastman School of Music. He has at the same time toured extensively as a film accompanist throughout North America and Europe
Edouard-Emile Violet
Max Linder, Vilma Banky, Eugen Burg, Viktor Franz
Original Language Title
Max, Der Zirkuskönig
58 min
Print Source
Lobster Films